The overall ability level of the students in each study is measured by how well the students performed in all their studies.
In each study, the study scores are adjusted so that the overall level of scores in that study matches the scores obtained by the same group of students in all of their studies.
For example, in economics in 2009 the average VCE Study Score was 30, but the students averaged 32 for all their studies. This shows that students who did economics in 2009 were of above average ability in their other studies.
VTAC Scaling
The scaling process adjusted the study scores upwards so that the average ENTER Subject Score for economics was set at 32. (Note: the acronym ENTER was changed to ATAR this year.)
The 2009 dance students averaged 28 in all their studies, therefore the scaling process adjusted the study scores downwards so that the average ENTER Subject Score for dance was 28.
In some studies the scaling process produces ATAR Subject Scores that are greater than 50. However, the minimum ATAR Subject Score cannot go below zero. VCE studies are always scaled in the year in which they were undertaken (this may not necessarily be in the year in which you receive your ATAR). This scaling process is carried out each year for each VCE study and VCE VET program for which there is a study score.
There are no predetermined outcomes, the adjustments are based on the performance of students each year.
Nevertheless, the process is stable and there is little difference from year to year in terms of the scaled ATAR subject scores.
VTAC Scaling