Motorola Defy Android Smartphone - Motorola introduced its Android Smartphone mobile DEFY with the new advanced Motoblur. Motorola DEFY increased new edition of Motoblur. Motorola DEFY Android Smartphone enrich with 3.7inch WVGA display screen with high resolution, running Android 2.1 version Operating System. It has a camera of 5.0MPs, USB 2.0, 512MB RAM, Bluetooth 2.1, Wi-Fi, 800 MHz Processor and 2GB memory card. Motorola DEFY Android Smartphone is protected by dustproof and is a water resistant and this will automatically modify the messages on screen. Motorola DEFY has come up with with extra features. It adds Motoblur 1.5 increasing for messages, emails and providing latest browsing technology and also entertainment. Motorola Defy battery back-up stand by time is up to 400 hours. Motorola Defy Android Smartphone
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