Tax Cut Bill Passes Through Senate Vote - Acting with uncommon speed, Congress gave final passage Thursday night of sweeping, bipartisan legislation to avoid a Jan. 1 spike in income taxes for millions and renew jobless benefits for victims of the worst recession in 80 years. The House passed the measure 277-148 to send the bill to President Barack Obama for signing. The measure also will cut Social Security taxes for nearly every wage-earner and pump billions of dollars into the still-sluggish economy. The legislation was the result of a reach across party lines by President Barack Obama and top Republicans in Congress — stubborn adversaries during two years of political combat that ended when the GOP emerged the undisputed winner in midterm elections on Nov. 2. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, R-Fla., called it "a bipartisan moment of clarity" as the House moved toward an expected late night vote. After forcing a delay in the House early in the day, Democratic critics settle...
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