Cancer Cure Laptop - Today's "Dude, you got to back up your data!" public-service announcement comes courtesy of Sook Shin, a university researcher who says her stolen laptop contained years worth of data related to a possible cure for prostate cancer. And nope, you guessed it. She didn't back up and says some of her research can never be retrieved, while other parts could take up to two years to replicate. Shin and husband Ralf Jankecht, a professor of cell biology at Oklahoma University, are leading cancer researchers at the school. Sunday, they made a quick stop in Oklahoma City on their way back to the lab, according to the local News 9. That's when someone smashed the window of their car and made off with a 13-inch white MacBook in a dark orange computer bag. "I'm devastated and I feel so guilty," a tearful Shin told News 9. The pair is now offering a $1,000 reward for return of the computer, no questions asked. "Thief, it is OK. E...
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