But starting today, we’ll probably start hearing a bit more about Google’s location-based service. It’s just launched a full-featured, native application for the iPhone that includes support for background location monitoring — marking the first time that the application has been available for the iPhone in a form that wasn’t severely crippled. Note that this was spotted in Japan’s App Store a few days ago — obviously that was a mistake in the buildup to today’s launch.
Google Latitude On iPhone
Now, Google actually submitted a native Latitude application for iPhone last year, but Apple blocked it and told Google to make it a web application, supposedly to avoid confusion with the Maps app that ships with the iPhone. Of course, a few days later news broke that Apple had also blocked Google Voice, which likely indicates that this was part of an anti-Google trend as opposed to a one-off concern. Now it looks like those issues have been resolved (perhaps with the threat of government intervention).
Google Latitude On iPhone