Openly gay Rep. Greg Harris (D-Chicago), who co-sponsored SB 1716, started his opening statement at 5:17 p.m on Tuesday. "Once in every generation," he said, "legislatures across the country have a chance to advance the cause of liberty and justice for all."
SB 1716, the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act needs 60 votes to pass in the House. Supporters believe they have the necessary votes to pass the bill out of the House and on to the Senate, where quick passage is expected.
Tuesday afternoon, an Illinois Senate committee advanced its version of the civil unions bill by a 6-2 margin. The upper chamber on the Senate would have to approve the legislation if it clears the House.
State Representatives Sid Mathias (R-Arlington Heights), Rosemary Mulligan (R-Des Plaines), Richard Myers (R-Macomb) and Lisa Dugan (D-Bradley) are out today. Proponents weren't expecting votes from Mathias and Myers.
Civil Union Legislation