If these factors are eliminated, then the likely diagnosis is “anxiety attacks”. The name is not very helpful, as this common condition can affect people who are no more prone to anxiety than anyone else. The attacks are quite often alarming, not only because the symptoms are unpleasant, but because they happen unpredictably. This leads to the situation you describe, in which you increasingly anticipate the next attack coming. This winds up a mental spring, and so the problem becomes self-fuelling.
Work-Related Stress and Reduce
The first stage of tackling these attacks is to get well checked over so that you can be confident about what you are dealing with. The second, most important, stage is to learn how to regain control of your body during these episodes. This will minimise their impact and ultimately prevent them from happening. You can get a bit of help with this from medication such as beta-blocker drugs, or even tranquillisers, but the best results are from methods that are not drug-based. There is a good deal of useful information available online that can help you start to tackle this problem by yourself.
Work-Related Stress and Reduce