According to, as of Feb 1, 2010, over 24 million Millennials (those aged 18 to 34) have Facebook accounts, which accounts for 52 percent of all Facebook users. That means there is a ridiculous amount of status updates, picture posting and messages sent by Gen Y’ers via the social media powerhouse. Hopefully most Millennials know not to do these things.
Top Facebook Faux Pas
One of the best features of Facebook is its ability to make the world a little smaller and allow you to spread important information (when was the last time you sent an evite, we all just use Facebook these days); however, that can be abused so easily. No, we don’t care if you love Mafia Wars. Chances are if your friend isn’t already playing it, he/she doesn’t want to. And, before you send a group or event invite to literally your entire friend list, make sure it is even applicable to those friends. If your friend doesn’t live in your town, he/she is probably not going to join a group to support your local cause.
We all have pictures documenting things we are likely less than proud of and unfortunately it seems we all have friends with poor enough taste to actually post them on Facebook. Then they even tag you in the photo. Don’t do that. We’re just going to immediately detag and bug you until you take the picture down. On the flip side, it’s just as deplorable when you are tagged in a perfectly acceptable photo, but detag yourself just because you don’t want to appear with that person--that’s just douchey. (You know the drill, the guy or girl who wants to appear single and only seen with the “right” kind of people in pictures).
Top Facebook Faux Pas