Initially the Democrats were opposed to it. But now it looks that top leaders in the party are ready to give it another extension for two years.
Vice President Joe Biden is spearheading the campaign to convince other Democrats to agree to the new changes. The VP is expected to visit Senate Democrats, who are opposed to the extension. It is understood that he will try to convince the surly Democrats who say it conceded too much to Republican demands.
Unemployment Extension Tier 5
Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio said: “I’m not at all happy with this. I want to see all the details before I make some kind of commitment.”
Many Democrats are convinced that the President surrendered to the Republicans’ demand. Brown said: "I don't know if he caved. I think he could have gotten a better agreement." But Biden is doing everything possible to end dissension among the Democrats over this issue. Under the plan, he is going to defend the deal in front of liberal Democrats who are girding up to oppose it tooth and nail.
Unemployment Extension Tier 5