Reille Hunter was the other woman, key to the breakup of the marriage between John and Elizabeth Edwards. Hunter insisted that you cannot steal a man because people are not property. Hunter stated, 'You can't steal someone else's husband. People are not property.' The 'if she cannot hold on to her husband that is not my responsibility' excuse is the mantra of mistresses everywhere.
When asked how Elizabeth Edwards had learned about the affair, Rielle Hunter said that she had purchased Edwards a cell phone, which was a replica of his official phone, to use exclusively to talk with her. Elizabeth Edwards used the phone and the number connected to Rielle Hunter, who answered 'Hey Baby.'
Hunter alleged, as she has in the past, that Elizabeth Edwards was abusive to her husband and the he was afraid of his wife. Elizabeth Edwards, 60, who has terminal cancer, has separated from her straying husband.
Oprah played portions of a statement John Edwards made on national television in 2008 denying that he had an affair with Rielle Hunter and denying that her baby was his. Hunter told Oprah that after he made that statement on television that he called her and told her that the statement didn't mean anything.
John Edwards Affair With Rielle Hunter