In a twist on the holiday classic A Christmas Carol, the ABC Family made-for-TV movie follows big shot Hollywood publicist Sloane Spencer, played by Christina Milian, who is stalked by the ghost of her recently deceased client Caitlin Quinn (Benson). Caitlin takes Sloane to meet her ex-boyfriends of past, present and future, and ultimately guides her to find her true love.
So where did Benson find inspiration to play a character she describes as a "movie star, wild-child, alcoholic"? Not from real-life fixtures in the tabloids, but from the films American Beauty and Legally Blonde. Taking some notes from Reese Witherspoon's Elle Woods, Benson says her favorite thing about shooting the film was getting to try out her comedic chops.
Check out other holiday specials in our Holiday Guide
"[Quinn] always had the best lines — she's so sarcastic — and it was a lot of comedy which I haven't really touched on," she says. "That was a little bit nerve racking, but so much fun."
Christmas Cupid