It’s not easy to understand why your toddler has a tantrum but at such a young age, a child is consumed with thoughts of themselves.
Everything... is about them and how they feel.
Until they are taught how to share, every toy or piece of food they see automatically belongs to them. Toddler tantrums can have a variety of effects. Your first thought might be that everyone is FOCUSED on you and your screaming child, but getting embarrassed won’t diffuse the situation.
Tips for Taming Tantrums
Besides, as a parent, you have many more years of 'embarrassing situations' to look forward to... courtesy of your children. So worrying about what others think during this toddler tantrum, is simply going to stress you and make you feel worse.
Here are a few tips to help you cope during toddler tantrums:
Ignore the tantrum. This technique works best when at home. In public places, you don’t want to ever leave your child unattended as a form of punishment. Good behavior in public begins at home.
Ignoring toddler tantrums is not mean. If your child is squirming on the floor screaming for a cookie, continue to talk to them as if you never noticed. Eventually, they will get the hint and stop screaming.
Tips for Taming Tantrums