The human brain has been gradually getting smaller in size over the last 20,000 years, says a new report. It includes both the genders worldwide.
This decrease follows two million years of growth of the human cranium.
Our Brains Are Shrinking. Are We Getting Dumber?
"Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimetres to 1,350 cubic centimetres, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball," according to a Daily Mail report quoting Kathleen McAuliffe in Discover magazine.
"The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion."
McAuliffe reported the comments made by John Hawks, anthropologist from the University of Wisconsin , who argues that the fact the size of the human brain is decreasing doesn't necessarily mean our intelligence is in decline as well.
Some paleontologists agree with this diagnosis that our brains may have become smaller in size, but increasingly efficient.
Our Brains Are Shrinking. Are We Getting Dumber?