Charles Clements, 69, won't do any jail time for killing his neighbor Joshua Funches, 23, during an argument outside Clements' home. He could have been sentenced to as long as 20 years in prison, The Chicago Tribune reported.
"This is not justice," said Gail Williams, the slain man's aunt, according to the Tribune.
In May 2009, as Funches passed Clements' home while walking his fox terrier, the dog lifted its leg and relieved itself, witnesses said. The two men got into an argument. After Funches cursed at him, Clements pulled out a .45-caliber handgun, then put it back in his pocket, the Tribune reported. Soon after, Funches punched Clements in the face. Clements said Funches was standing still when he redrew the gun and shot him, the Tribune reported.
Probation for Killing after Dog Pees on Prize Lawn
This guy got off easy. He killed a man and managed to avoid a jail term. Perhaps he's a magician. And for such a petty reason. A puppy urinating on a lawn is no reason to shoot a man. Obviously Charles Clements has bigger problems than his lawn. Mainly his psychological health.
Probation for Killing after Dog Pees on Prize Lawn