With the global financial crisis, many have found themselves out of jobs and living on a very tight budget. Some cope better than others depending on how educated they are on managing money.
There are several things one can do to cut back on expenses. Two car homes are common now. Only one car is really needed and the extra car is a financial burden in many ways. Firstly, cars lose value the second you drive them off the lot. Secondly, the car needs fuel every week. Thirdly, the most expensive part of owning a car is maintenance and registration etc. After you add all this up, a car is a big drain on the budget.
Minimizing utility bills is also a must. Turning off lights when no one is in the room, limiting air conditioning use, turning off appliances that have standby modes such as televisions will all save electricity, cutting your next bill.
The same goes for gas. Put on a jumper or grab a blanket instead of turning the heater on.
How to Live on a Tight Budget