This is the time when you get an opportunity to be creative! There’s nothing better than homemade decorations or gifts and it also adds to the personal touch. So when it comes to decorating your Christmas tree, you can start personalizing it in your own special way. Making homemade items is enjoyable and it also gets the entire family involved. Homemade Christmas ornaments are really fun to make and also give a warm feeling to the Christmas trees. This warmth and the glow that radiates around it can never ever be replaced by hanging ornaments bought off the shelf.
Homemade Christmas Ornaments
Let us take a quick look at some ways to have homemade Christmas ornaments:
* Use Mica tiles to display your family photographs! The front portion can showcase the picture where as the backside of the tile can be decorated using ribbons and paper, since the both the sides will be visible, once the tile is hung by a string or a chain. The edges of the tiles can also be decorated using colored paper and satin ribbons.
* Bring out those boxes full of Christmas cards and showcase them. This will not only be visually appealing but will also help you to cherish your good memories. You can cut them up into various shapes and hang them up on the tree!
* If you are really hard pressed for time, re-use your Christmas ornaments that were used the year before. You can wrap them up in colorful shiny paper or use glitter glue pens to decorate the outer surface.
* Dough can also be used, to create cute and zany shapes, which can be painted over once it dries. A little time consuming, they need to mold well to achieve the desired result. Mix salt in it to keep the insects at bay, which may prove to be a hindrance whilst it dries.
Homemade Christmas Ornaments