At which point Cheryl Kilodavis realized her son’s flamboyant dress-code was her issue and no one else’s. She not only backed off, but she wrote about boys who like dressing as princesses — for kids. Her book, My Princess Boy, was released in December.
The author and her subject went on the Today Show this morning to promote the book and talk about her son’s experiences as well as her own.
"My Princess Boy" Kilodavis
I think it’s great that the mother is letting her son express who he is. But I wonder if she couldn’t have gone on the show alone to get her point across. Kilodavis is walking the fine line that all of us who write about our children walk — what’s their story to tell and what is ours? How much of our children do we give away in order to reach out to others? How hard should we fight for their privacy or do we simply relent to a world that doesn’t want us to have any.
I love that Kilodavis not only wrote about her son’s unconventional taste in clothing but that she went on national TV to talk about it. I also love (probably more than anything) that Dyson’s father, Dean Kilodavis, is also totally on board with accepting his son for who he is and is proud and protective enough of him to go on TV and say, basically, “who cares?”
"My Princess Boy" Kilodavis