AWD Vehicles
As its name suggests, an AWD vehicle is a vehicle in which all wheels are powered by the engine. Even though this is somewhat similar to 4WD vehicles, a closer look at AWD vs 4WD comparison shows that the working mechanism in both of these differ to a significant extent. In case of AWD, approximately 90 percent of the power is transmitted to the front wheels while the remaining 10 percent goes to rear wheels. In four wheel drive vehicles, on the other hand, the power is equally distributed among the four wheels (when in 4WD mode). Even though the performance comparison between all wheel drive cars and four wheel drive cars shows same results on normal roads, AWD vehicles do fall short when it comes to off-road performance. However, you also need to pay attention to the fact that 4WD are much more costly than AWD. Similarly, the comparison between AWD and 2WD vehicles shows that the AWD cars have a definite advantage over 2WD cars.
Best AWD Vehicles