At the conclusion of the "Survivor: Nicaragua" finale live reunion show, Probst revealed that the show's spring installment will be "Survivor: Redemption Island."
The big shift in gameplay: When contestants are voted off, they will be sent to Redemption Island, where they'll receive meager rations and spend the time alone. At the next elimination, the new bootee and the previous bootee will face off in some sort of "Survivor"-style gladiatorial combat and the winner will get to remain in the game or reenter the game.
Survivor Redemption Island
Certain aspects of the twist are still a bit unclear (at least to this writer). If the previously eliminated contestant loses to the new bootee, are they done and is nobody left on Redemption Island? If the new bootee loses, do they then go to Redemption Island? If the previous bootee is then re-eliminated the next week, do they get to again go head-to-head with the person they beat to get back into the game? Can you only do one tour on Redemption Island, or could the same player keep getting voted off and keep dominating Redemption and coming back?
Tiny bit confusing.
"Survivor" fans vividly remember how unpopular it was the last time the show experimented with bringing back eliminated contestants, specifically the Ghost Tribe twist in "Survivor: Pearl Islands," so one can only assume that the prior issues were carefully considered.
Survivor Redemption Island