Cooper has been around the health care debate since the Clinton attempt in 1994. He knows the ins-and-outs of health policy, including the finances of such care.
So, his voice mattered when he just warned members of both parties that if they are planning to finance the overhaul bills through cutting Medicare they must be willing to back that belief up with tough votes.
He then pointed out how seven senators who once backed the Senate's plan to set up a bipartisan deficit commission took a pass when that idea came up recently. He didn't name them, but, sadly, John McCain was one of them. I hope that stung McCain because he knew full well that the deficit and debt are big problems and that a commission is our best -- and perhaps last -- hope for dealing with them.
Bottom line: If Congress is going to pass a health care bill that is largely paid for through Medicare reductions, I hope legislators pass the Cooper test and make the tough votes when it comes to cutting Medicare.
Jim Cooper