On "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," the comedian aired a fake commercial for "Charlie Sheen Winning" cologne, with Fallon playing Sheen. In his introduction to the ad, Fallon said the cologne's scent "combines the delightful aromas of sweat, cigarettes and denial."
David Letterman has been on the Charlie Sheen train for weeks. On Wednesday, he compared supercomputer Watson - who famously beat two humans in "Jeopardy!" - to Sheen.
In a video called, "Watson: Where is he now?," a narrator says, "He wasn't programmed to handle the harsh glare of the spotlight. After a 36-hour cocaine binge with adult film stars, Watson was fired by IBM. He was briefly hospitalized by what he claimed to be a 'herniated motherboard.'"
Jimmy Fallon Charlie Sheen