Discipline is very important and impulse buys are your enemy. Money can be saved in nearly all aspects of our lives. Simple things can go a long way. For instance, many of us are on contracts for a whole raft of things from mobile phones to internet plans. Most of the time the contract finishes and people don't bother to get a new one. Calling up your gas company, electricity company, mobile phone carrier, internet service provider and re-negotiating your contracts can save you a lot of money monthly. Money that could be going in to savings.
Setting up a savings account which automatically takes out $15 every time you get your wages is a good tip. You miss the small amount of money, however, after a while you will realize you have saved a lot.
What is the Secret to Saving Money
How to use online coupon codes:
Step 1:
Most online retailers now include a field to enter a promotional code or coupon code during the checkout process. Some typical discounts might look like “10% off of your new order” or “Free Shipping on orders over $25”
Step 2:
Head on over to CouponChief.com and search for the domain where you are making a purchase. (ie.http://www.target.com or maybe even just target.com)
Step 3:
Click on the Coupon Chief coupon code. Paste the coupon code in the coupon code area with a right click and “Paste” selection or by pressing CTRL+V on your computer keyboard, and you should see your savings applied!
Amanda on behalf of www.couponchief.com