And it all ends tonight with the episode entitled, “Anything Can Happen”. Who knows who will win the million dollar prize? Now time for a spoilers on Survivor Heroes vs Villains below.
Spoilers say that it will be Sandra Diaz-Twine who will take home the title and be the only two time winner of the game.
Is this true? Watch Survivor Finale tonight and find out. So who do you think will be the sole survivor this 2010 season? Sandra Diaz-Twine, Colby Donaldson, Russell Hantz, Jerri Manthey or Parvati Shallow?
Three Tribal Councils, 2 unforgettable hours and 1 ultimate Survivor. All that plus a Live Reunion special. Catch the Survivor Finale tonight starting at 7C/8E on CBS!
Survivor Finale 2010