“What happened today is just a sign of activity on faults in the region of Puerto Rico The earth is saying I’m alive and I’m moving,” said the expert.
Von Hillebrandt said, according to the measuring instruments, the phenomenon spread to eight minutes even when a citizen’s perception was 10 to 15 seconds.
The expert explained that there has been only one reply directly related to the earthquake and it took four minutes following the main event and it was a magnitude 3.2 degrees on the Richter scale.
The major event that will possibly hit Puerto Rico, will be 8 degrees on the Richter scale, von Hillebrandt said. “Earthquakes are inevitable, unpredictable, but the damage is mitigated,” he said.
A study of Haiti after the quake, estimated that a total of 2,000 people may die on the island if it recorded an earthquake of 7.3 degrees. The most vulnerable structures are houses on stilts, the structures built on hillsides and tall buildings.
Puerto Rico Earthquake 2010