Turner’s final episode will air on Christmas day, making for a truly dramatic event. EastEnders follows the lives of London’s East End Albert Square residents. Lacey played Stacey Branning.
Speaking about her last episode, Turner said, "It was very sad. I did cry like a baby all the way home! Stacey's big Christmas storyline has little bits of everything she's done over the past six-and-a-half years.”
Lacey Turner Cried Like a Baby Eastenders Exit
Her fans are eager to see what is next for the star, but it looks like even she’s not sure. Speaking about her future, Lacey said, “I feel like it's time to move on. But I am terrible at making decisions, so I don't know what I am going to do yet.”
Chances are the beautiful brunette will continue to do well. Her sudden exit from EastEnders surprised many people, but she’s extremely talented. It would be more surprising if she hadn’t already received a few offers or at least had some offers in the works. Good luck to her on her future endeavors.
Lacey Turner Cried Like a Baby Eastenders Exit