The story revolves around Jarrod (Played by Eric Balfour) and his girl friend Elaine (played by Scottie Thompson), the duo was came to Los Angeles for the birth day of the Jarrod’s friend Terry (Played by Donald Faison).
They stayed in Terry’s penthouse suite along Terry’s materialistic girlfriend Candice (Played by Brittany Daniel). Terry’s pal Ray (played by Neil Hopkins) and assistant Denise (Played by Crystal Reed) will sleep at the end of the party.
In the early hours of the morning, pulses of bright blue light fall from the sky and attract people like moths. A horrified Terry and his friends witness the mass harvesting of the city’s population.
Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, David Zayas, Donald Faison, Brittany Daniel, Crystal Reed, Neil Hopkins, Tanya Newbould, Pam Levin and Phet Mahathongdy have played the main roles in this movie.
Colin Strause and Greg Strause are the directors of this movie. Joshua Cordes and Liam O’Donnell are the screen writers of this movie.
Skyline Movie Review